Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3: Do I Hear 4?

My goal for the next few months is to be 80-90% raw.  So, to get there I'm shooting for 100%.  And that's just where I am after 3 days.

I knew that being at work would be a challenge.  I drank my smoothie in the car this morning.  I packed a beautiful salad for lunch.  I had some dehydrated kale for a snack.  Then I had one of my emergency raw snack bars for another snack.  Will finish yesterday's raw pasta for dinner.

I feel great and can't wait for Day 4!!


  1. We love kale except we cook it in olive oil with some garlic I think. So it's not considered raw but the kids like it :)

  2. That's great that your boys like kale. It sounds like you have a delicious way to prepare it. So far only one of my kids likes it enough to ask for more. I never even ate it until about 2 years ago. I love both the curly and lacinto varieties.
