Today's the day. My transition has been going fairly well considering I've been about 60% raw over the past couple weeks. Today I'll strive for 100% - the same tomorrow and beyond. Actually, I love the raw foods that I've been eating. So, the food is not my problem. I've used these few weeks to identify my real challenges and figure out how to meet them.
1) More effective planning is really my biggest problem (duh!). Lack of consistent meal planning all these years has meant pizzas or popcorn for dinner a few times too many. So just because I looked, I found this very simple 1-page tool - a meal planner /shopping list. If I plan my meals for the week and have the ingredients on hand, I can't make too many excuses. You might find it helpful no matter what you eat. Why haven't I been doing this all along? I also signed up for weekly delivery of organic produce from Fresh Picks. The produce has been beautiful and reasonably priced. I'm even incorporating the weekly selections in my food planning.
2) Variety has been a smaller challenge. I'm planning to incorporate at least 2 new recipes a week in my menu planning.
3) Another challenge has been exercise. I've been to the gym every
morning for a week now (not so tough when I'm not working), either
walking in the pool or taking an aqua aerobics class. I also do my
physical therapy in the water. It feels great and I'm glad to have
started moving again.
4) Restaurants are a killer. I need to make a list of all restaurants near both home and work that have raw options. Goodbye 5 Guys and Smokin' T's Barbecue.
4) Work - 'nuf said.
I'm off to made a green/banana/apple/date smoothie and walk in the water.
Happy New Year to all!
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