Well, I read that first book, "The Raw Food Primer" (clever name - just what I needed) by Suzanne Alex Ferrara from cover to cover pretty quickly. It's a very small book with beautiful, creative drawings of the food. What could I make that would be easy and taste good? Sweet and Sour Ginger Dressing, of course. I happen to love salads, but they're all about a delicious dressing. And this was a delicious dressing that I've made time and time again! Okay, but in the end it was really just salad dressing and not a meal. Then, because the name was so compelling, I tried Avocado Heaven, which is basically a cold avocado soup. YUM! And I made my first raw meal that was not a salad.
Then I found Jennifer Cornbleet's book, "Raw Food Made Easy". Her marinara sauce on zucchini pasta was fabulous. The zucchini soup was great. I even served it for company and everyone loved it. Her recipes were simple and didn't require lots of equipment. I was going to be able to prepare these recipes. As a matter of fact, I think this is the book I'd recommend to anyone interested in a first book on raw foods.
I decided that I wanted to actually eat and find out if I liked some of the more complex dishes that I couldn't prepare myself. So, off we went to Karyn's in Chicago with Amanda, Fran and Izzy. Omigosh, the food was marvelous. If I could eat like this, I could be 100% raw. I was inspired.
During the summer of 2010 I decided to try 3 days of eating only raw foods. I felt so good that I kept going - and lasted a little over a week. This agreed with me so well that I thought I could stick to it. Then I got home late one night and ordering a pizza was easy. Before I knew it, I was back on the SAD (standard American diet). And I wasn't feeling as good. I knew then what I should do - eat more raw - but...I kept coming up with one excuse after another. So, I've been dabbling for a long time. I want to feel better. I need to be more purposeful and plan my meals more efficiently and I can do this.
15 days to go - I'm getting ready. Amanda and I will make raw nori rolls today. And maybe a Mediterranean Kale Salad. (Lots of organic produce was delivered yesterday. I'm going to have fun.)